Student Learning Support

Student Learning Support

Quicksmart is a supported Mathematics basic skills program to improve automaticity and accuracy. It is available for Year 5-6 students.

MiniLit is a supported small group reading and spelling program available for Year 1-2 students which is run by an Education Support Officer for those who need additional support with their literacy skills.

MacqLit is a supported small group reading program available for Year 3-6 students which is run by an Education Support Officer for those who need additional support with their literacy skills.

Student Support is given to many students individually, or in small groups, that enables them to achieve their best in their learning. This can include support from Teachers or Education Support Officers.

Psychology As a part of our partnership with Catholic Education South Australia, we provide access to a highly experienced educational psychologist. The psychologist visits our school for two days, every term. With parent permission, he can observe children in class and complete assessments for social and emotional concerns and for academic or learning issues. The psychologist is available to meet with parents, on request. These services are provided for free. If any parent would like to find out more or has concerns about their child, please make a time to speak to the principal.

Speech Pathology One of the unique and specialised services that St James is able to provide is access to an experienced speech pathologist. This is provided for free. If any parent wishes to discuss oral language or literacy skill development about their child, please contact the principal to discuss what is on offer.

Catholic Education Office Special Education and Behaviour Education Consultants offer support to all Catholic Schools. The consultants allocated to our school visit once a term or upon request. The consultants are always available by phone or email at other times to support students, teachers and parents.