Week 1 Term 1, 2025
“We must teach more by example than by word” – Mary MacKillop
Dear St. James Families,
Happy New Year and welcome back! We hope you all had a restful and joyful holiday season. We are excited to begin another year of growth, learning, and community at St. James.
As we step into this new year, we are filled with gratitude for the opportunity to continue nurturing the faith, hearts, and minds of our wonderful students.
Together, with the support of our dedicated staff, families, and parish community, we are ready to embark on another year of exciting learning adventures, spiritual growth, and shared joy.
We look forward to working closely with you as partners in your child’s education. Let’s make 2025 a year filled with faith, friendship, and endless possibilities.
Martin Hayes
A special welcome to all of our new Reception Students who have started with us today. The first ever day of school can be a nervous day for both student and parents, but everyone has coped really well and we can already tell they are in for a great year.
We would especially like to welcome the new parents who have joined the St James community this year – Alex & Angus Barnden, Bec Home and Larissa Leslie. We understand that this is a new adventure for both you and your child and we want to assure you that we are committed to providing a supportive and caring environment where your child will thrive.
The process for employing a new principal to lead St James is underway. This will involve consultation with staff and families and when this process is complete the position will be advertised. The plan is then to appoint someone before the end of Term 1. Until then I am very pleased to be working alongside the staff and families here for the remainder of this term in the Acting Principal role.
Acting Principal |
Martin Hayes |
Office Admin |
Judy Walkington |
APRIM/Assistant to the Principal |
Alison Kelly |
Office Admin |
Tammi Kitschke |
Yr. 5/6 |
Georgia Taylor |
Finance/WH&S |
Helen Latham |
Yr. 3/4 |
Zac Taylor Annie O’Reilley (Fri.) |
Classroom ESO/Playgroup |
Rebecca Home |
Yr. 1/2 |
Minnesota Cheriton |
Classroom ESO |
Nick Kilinger |
Reception |
Ellie Stacey (Mon. Tues. & Wed - odd weeks) Claire Sheridan (Wed. – even weeks, Thurs & Fri.) |
Classroom ESO |
Ebony Mercer |
Sandra Gresch |
Inclusive Ed./Well-Being & Auslan |
Classroom ESO |
Matilda Clark |
Annie O’Reilley |
PE/The Arts |
Cleaner |
Joanne Daly Sam Wytkamp |
Grounds |
Andrew Gassner |
Hopefully last week you received information about the Parent Information Night via your child’s/children’s SEESAW account. This year, this platform will become the key space for communicating between staff and home.
We no longer will be using the school mobile for messages home to families. This includes our weekly reminders. If you need to phone the school, please don’t hesitate to still call St James on 8637 9100.
We are just in the process of finalising a few dates to add to this calendar for our families. This will be sent home with the students later in the week.
We just wanted to express our sincerest thank you to Helen Latham and Luke Clark for coming in to school during the school holidays to assist us with various maintenance jobs. We are so grateful for our parent and staff community that are always willing to put their hands up to help. If you’d like to help us out too, we will be hosting a working bee soon. Keep an eye out in the newsletter and parent calendar for a date soon!
This Wednesday, 29th Jan., we will be having our parent information night. It will begin at 5:30pm. Students are expected to wear their formal school uniform.
The format will be as follows;
- Welcome Liturgy (outside on the lawns, weather permitting)
- Shared BBQ (Please bring a salad to share - no nuts please)
- Meet and Greet the teachers in classrooms
Preparations are underway for our annual Pop-Up Op Shop! It will be held on the weekend on March 21st. We will have sorting sessions every Wednesday from 9–11am and evenings from 6:30pm. If these times don’t suit you, feel free to come by at another time, pick up the key from the front office, and spend some time sorting. There’s no wrong way to do it—just group similar items together.
We are now happily accepting donations at any time. Please leave them on the front veranda of the hall. A big thank you to Jemma and Debbie for making a fantastic start in sorting the already donated items!
The Parent and Friends AGM will be held on Tuesday, February 11th at 6:30pm in the Learning Centre. Everyone is welcome.
A big part of what makes St. James such a special place is the community of families coming together to support one another. Let’s keep that spirit alive! Please join us at a meeting or volunteer your time to help contribute to our wonderful little school.
This term, Ms Annie O’Reilley and Mrs Ally Kelly will be sharing the Sports Coordinator role at St James School. Please don’t hesitate to see either of us if you have any questions in relation to SAPSASA, SACPSSA or Sports Day events.
This year Sports Day will be held on the morning of Friday 7th of March. This is the Friday before the long weekend.
On Sports Day students will wear their school sports uniform shorts and will require their school hat. Students will wear a POLO SHIRT in their team colour. A polo shirt style is required (not a round neck T shirt) as this offers more sun protection (longer sleeves and collar) and follows the style of our school polo shirt.
Although sports day is a few weeks away still, this is worth mentioning now as many stores currently have back to school specials and sales and it is an ideal opportunity to purchase a polo shirt at a very reasonable cost.
There are varying shades of Red, Gold and Blue so following is an indication of the colours required. If you purchased a polo shirt last year and it is a different shade please do not go and buy a new one for this year unless your child specifically requires a new one.
In particular, we have found blue to have varying shades, if you are unable to get the shade indicated, please let the front office know. We do keep a few shirts here at school that may be borrowed for the day. Thank you.
How to register your child:
Please use the QR code or link to register your child to trial to represent North Eastern District in State Carnivals/Championships in 2025. They will not be able to trial without this completed. Students MUST play team sports for a local club to be considered within the last year or be in the process of registering, except swimming, athletics, cross country, boys netball, hockey, golf, softball.
Adelaide Carnival dates
Term 1
Swimming – MON 7/4/25 at Marion Aquatic Centre
Term 2
AFL boys – MON-WED 26th May-28th May at Barratt Reserve, West Beach
Cross Country – THURS 5th June at Oakbank Racecourse
Netball (girls & boys) – MON-WED 23rd June – 25th June at Netball SA
Term 3
Soccer – MON-WED 11th August-13th August at Services FM Stadium, Mile End
Hockey – MON-WED 8th Sept – 10th Sept at Adelaide University Playing fields, West Beach
Golf – THURS 11th and FRI 12th of Sept at West Beach Parks Golf
Track and Field – MON 22nd Sept at Athletics SA Stadium
Term 4
AFL girls – MON-WED 27th Oct-29th Oct at Barratt Reserve, West Beach
Tennis – MON-WED 10th Nov to 12th Nov at venue TBC
Cricket – MON-WED 24th Nov- 26th Nov at multiple venues in ADL.
Important Dates
Please see important 2025 dates below for the North Eastern SAPSASA District.
Trial dates
Term 1
• Softball trials – WED 5/2 4:00pm-5:30pm at CBPS, others TBC
• Swimming trial – WED 26/2, 10:00am-11:30am at Crystal Brook Swimming Pool.
• Cricket trials – WED 5/3 10:00am-2:00pm at Jamestown Big Shed.
• Tennis trials - WED 5/3 10:00am-2:00pm at Jamestown Tennis Courts.
• Netball trials (girls & boys) – TUES 25/3 10:00am-2:00pm at Jamestown Big Shed, then selected squad TUES 6/5 4:00pm-5:00pm venue TBA.
• Netball trials (boys) – combined with other Districts - TBA
• AFL trials (boys) - TUES 25/3 10:00am-2:00pm at Jamestown Football Oval, then selected squad TUES 1/4 4:00pm-5:00pm venue TBA.
School Cards applications are open for 2025!
This year is a very special one for the church as Pope Francis has announced it to be a Jubilee year. Originally held every 50 years, and now every 25 years, a Jubilee is a year of grace and conversion, involving prayer, pilgrimage and sacramental repentance.
Some of you may remember celebrating the Great Jubilee In the year 2000, and most recently, the Extraordinary Jubilee Year In 2015, where Pope Francis called the Holy Year of Mercy.
The official motto you may see pop up around our school and church is,: Pilgrims of hope on the path of peace. This blends really well with our 2025 Diocesan Theme, “Seeds of Hope”. We look forward to unpacking both the Jubilee and our Diocesan Theme across the 2025 school year.
Our first Whole School Mass will be held on Friday 14th February at 9:30am in the St. James Catholic Church. During the Mass student leaders will be commissioned.
As part of our lead in days in Week 0, all teaching staff took part in training to ensure they are well equipped and comfortable to teach our Made In the Image of God curriculum which is delivered to our students from Reception through to Year 6. This curriculum will be taught later in the year to all students. It is important for us at St James that our students know that they matter and are all made in the image of God.

Last week staff met with Lisa Burman – a Literacy Consultant who will be working with our school over the next two years to build an authentic Writing program for our school. Last year we had Lisa’s colleague visit our school and run an ‘in-action day’ where she worked in a Junior Primary class and an Upper Primary class to model the structure of a Writers Workshop Session. All staff – and students – found the day beneficial and engaging and it gave Lisa and her team an opportunity to understand our school setting and our students needs. Lisa is passionate about working with students to build a love of reading and writing and to work with staff to learn how to conference, engage and challenge each student individually. Lisa’s approach will provide clear structure and guidance during our Literacy blocks and aim to ensure Literacy growth in every student in every class. The Literacy block incorporates explicit teaching of sounds, grammar and punctuation which will still follow our Little Learners Love Literacy (Year R-2) and PLD (Year 3-6) Spelling Programs. We look forward to working with Lisa and her team this year.
An essential part of being a Catholic school and our school organisation and development is providing opportunities for staff to meet. Our meeting times are as follows, at times this may change to access guest speakers and other opportunities
· Wednesday 8.15am Staff meet for Prayer
· Wednesday 3.45-5pm Teaching staff will be involved in staff meetings
8.55am Morning Assembly
9.00 – 11.00am Lessons
11.00 – 11.20am Recess
11.20am – 1.00pm Lessons
1.00 – 1.10pm Supervised Eating
1.10 – 1.40pm Lunch Play
1.40 – 1.45pm End of Lunch – Pack Up / Line Up
1.45-3.15pm Lessons
3.15pm Dismissal
As well as recess and lunch times, teachers are on duty at the beginning and the end of the day. Yard duty in the morning begins at 8.30am. We ask that students are not at school before this time. Sometimes there is an emergency or extraordinary circumstances and it is necessary to drop your child/children at school earlier, or you may be running late to pick them up. Please notify the class teacher via Seesaw or the school office if this need arises and children can be well supervised in these circumstances.
On days temperature over 35° C students will usually remain under verandas and inside at recess or lunch time. Alternative sport lessons will be put in place (inside). We encourage application of 50+SPF sunscreen, drinking water and compulsory wearing of hats. All inside learning areas are air-conditioned. Parents do have the choice of collecting their children on days of extreme heat or other extreme weather (wind, rain, thunderstorms).
We share and celebrate the students’ learning in many different ways. Class Assemblies are one of the platforms for sharing. This year each class will have one assembly per semester. The students share their learning and experiences through reading, dancing, singing, presenting plays, photostories and showing examples. We always begin with Acknowledgment of Country prayer, and include student awards and sing our National Anthem. Assemblies will usually be held 2.40pm on a Friday afternoon in the Learning Centre and will be advertised in our Newsletters. Family and friends are invited, and welcome to attend.
The Newsletter is published on our website on Mondays, with a link in an email being sent out to the school community to notify you (there may be a few exceptions due to public holidays or pupil free days)
Parents are asked to notify the school when their child/children are absent from school. For Pastoral Care and legal reasons, we require an explanation for all student absence. When children are absent from school, the school should be notified by 9.15am via phone call (08 8637 9100)
In the case of planned absence, a message via Seesaw, personal notification to the teacher or front office or phone call, prior to the absence is required. Absence of more than 5 school days must be discussed by the parent with the Principal.
In the case of unplanned absence, on the day, a phone call or written note sent with a sibling prior to 9.15am is required.
In the event that a student’s absence has not been notified, an SMS message will be sent to parents asking for an explanation. We appreciate parent’s prompt reply.
We have several students who have allergies; for your awareness this includes nuts, eggs. You would notice that we ask that when cooking cakes for Tuck there are no nuts or nut products, we also ask that students do not bring anything to school for recess, lunch or shared meals that contain nuts or nut products. Thank you for your understanding and help with this.
A reminder that school fees have not changed for 2025.
Statements will be sent out in Week 3.
St James is a school community that prides itself on providing a safe learning environment and work place for all. All Visitors and Volunteers to the school site must sign in at the Front Office. We endorse personal responsibility and people keeping safe and taking care that all of their behaviour and practices are safe. If at any time you have concerns relating to this area (e.g. reporting accidents: trips, falls, near misses, dangerous or unsafe situations), please notify our WH & S Officer: Helen Latham or the Principal.
Dismissal time at the end of the day is very busy, between 3.15pm and 3.40pm. Class teachers need to dismiss students promptly on the bell; Yard Duty teachers need to get to their areas very quickly and the students need to meet their parents and catch buses.
Teachers are on yard duty are in two places at the end of the school day: King Edward Terrace and the Bus Zone. These are the two exit points from our school yard for students at the end of the day, unless students are directly supervised by a parent or carer.
Bus students are to line up at the fence and wait for the yard duty teacher to indicate when to board their bus.
To reduce congestion in the bus zone, parents or carers picking up students at the end of the school day are asked to use King Edward Terrace.
The Bus Zone Exit is to be used by students: catching the bus; walking or riding home requiring leaving in that direction.
The car parks opposite the Church are only to be used at the end of the day if you will not be picking up and leaving during the time that buses are picking up and leaving as well – between 3.20pm and 3.30pm.
At all times there is ‘No Entry’ driving from King Edward Terrace onto the road that runs in front of the Church (the Bus Zone road).
King Edward Terrace Exit is to be used by students: walking or riding home requiring leaving in that direction; being picked up by parents or carer; waiting to be taken to the Children’s Centre for OSHC. Students who need to cross King Edward Terrace are required to wait and be directed across by the yard duty teacher and the crossing monitors, using our school crossing. The yard duty teacher will walk students to OSHC once all students have been collected at the King Edward exit.
Please do not do U Turns within the school zones (King Edward Terrace).
As many of you may be aware, Jamestown is hosting a “Paint the Town Red – Cystic Fibrosis” Fundraiser on Friday evening, 14th February. To join in the festivities, we have decided to paint Saint James Red that day too and will be having a “Red Casual Day” for a Gold Coin Donation. The money collected will go towards this worthy cause which is close to many families hearts here at St James.
Our deepest sympathy is extended to Rebecca and Millie Home and Ben, Sophie, Finn, Hugo and Alfie Home and their family on the passing of Peter, Rebecca and Ben’s Pa. Our prayers and thoughts are with them. The Mini Vinnies always loved chatting about footy and having a laugh with Peter. He was always welcoming and inclusive in our visits to the Symonds Wing.
We would like to congratulate two of our teachers, Zac and Georgia who were married during the holidays and are now Mr and Mrs Taylor.
The JPNC and NANA are starting to plan the 2025 season. We ask that all potential 2025 senior and junior players complete the attached survey by 31st of January. This is not 2025 player registrations rather your intentions to help NANA and JPNC plan. Please forward to any new community members. Keep an eye on social media and your emails for information about pre-season, coaches application and player registration in the coming weeks.
Any questions please contact us on jpnetball@gmail.com.
Important Dates
First Day for students - Term 1 2025
Parent Info Night, Liturgy, BBQ 5.30pm
Leader Induction Mass - Yr 5/6 9.30am
Sports Day Morning
We acknowledge the Ngadjuri people, traditional custodians of this land.

Tuck Roster

Convenor: Shona S
Worker: Not Required
Cakes: Mel H
Convenor: Colleen B
Worker: Not Required
Cakes: Belinda T
Convenor: Belinda H
Worker: Not Required
Cakes: Dette C
Parish Mass

Welcomers: Barb F
Servers: Pippa & Elkie C, Lucy L
Servers: Harriet & Teddy S, Indy F
Welcomers: Jaimie & Scott C
Servers: Colbie C, Lottie & Rosie R
The Southern Cross

Please click on the link for the latest Southern Cross Newsletter
