Week 1, Term 2

Eternal Lord God,
During this Easter Season, we pray for the peace of the world. We pray for those who have fought and died for our country and for those to represent our country on peace keeping missions. Especially, we commend to your mercy the homeless and refugees; those who have been dispossessed and have lost their employment; those whose families have been disrupted and who mourn the loss of loved ones. We pray for the situation in various places. Grant that sane and selfless councils may prevail in these places, and wherever there is warfare. In Jesus’ name, we pray.

Welcome to the first newsletter for Term 2. I hope everyone had a wonderful holidays and got to spend some quality time with friends and families. I enjoyed my two weeks of leave and spent time traveling in New South Wales and Victoria with my family. I would like to thank Josh Page who was the Acting Principal in my absence. He led the school with great commitment and skill. I would like to thank the school community for making Mr Page feel so welcome.
Term 2 will be a term full of learning! Some major events that are planned for this term include; Walk to School Day on the 17th of May, First Communion for Year 4 students on the 2nd of June, a whole school excursion to Gladstone to watch a play about Mary MacKillop on the 19th of June and the RAA will visit for Street Smart lessons on the 3rd of July.
School Captains Sadie R and Hugh S represented our school at the Jamestown ANZAC Day Dawn Service. Both students prepared and presented a speech to the large audience about ANZAC Day during the service. They should be very proud of the way they spoke and the content they presented. The captains also laid a wreath on the school's behalf. Thank you to Hugh and Sadie for representing our school.
Musical Production
Preparations for the Whole School Musical Production will begin to take shape throughout the term. The play that will be performed is an old favourite and classic, “The Wizard of Oz.” Casting of the main characters, (Year 5-6 students) will take place towards the end of Term 2. Rehearsals will begin at the start of Term 3 on Thursdays. Mrs Judy Lewis will be our Choreographer and Director and Mrs Shona Simpson will be the supporting creative arts teacher. The dates for the Production Performances are;
Matinee – Wednesday 25th September (for students from neighbouring schools)
Finale – Thursday 26th September
The success of our musical production relies on parent support. We encourage all families to consider how they can assist with costumes, props and set design. If you are interested, please contact the office staff. The school has a large collection of costumes and props, which can be used and adapted as required. We will require at least 8 helpers.
Wood Cut Fundraiser
The annual Wood Cut fundraiser was held on Saturday the 13th of April. The volunteers were blessed with a fine autumn day, which enabled many tonnes of timber to be cut for fire wood. About 15 people assisted on the day, what a terrific turn out. Thank you to all who were involved, especially those who helped to organise the fundraiser. Special thanks goes to Bob Case, James Redden, Jamie Clapp, Daniel Kitschke, Luke Clark, Bernie Kelly, Peter Kitschke and Ryan Simpson for the use of their heavy equipment. Thank you to Bernie Kelly for delivering all of the pre-ordered wood and to Peter Kitschke for allowing us to obtain timber from his property. Thank you also to Sam Catlin, Shona Simpson and Kelly MacPherson for supplying lunch during the Wood Cut.
Working Bee – Thank you
A Working Bee took place at school yesterday. The tasks completed included spreading bark chips in the playgrounds and garden beds, washing outdoor furniture, blower vaccing, pruning and cleaning up garden beds. The school certainly looks a lot better. Thank you to all who attended, especially John Downing for bringing his front end loader in to help spread the 30 cubic metres of bark chips.
Mother’s Day Mass
We invite all mothers and mother figures to Mass on Friday 10th of May at 9:30am. The Reception and Year One class will lead us in giving thanks to God for our mothers. We also invite them to stay for a morning tea afterwards.
“Motherhood is a million little moments that God weaves together with grace, redemption, laughter, tears and, most of all, love.” Lysa Terkeurst
First Communion
Last Sunday the candidates for First Communion came to Mass to commit to preparing themselves well in readiness to receive their First Holy Communion. The parents and parish also said a commitment and prayer to support these children.
For Year 4 students preparing for First Communion, the following dates would be important to have in your calendar.
Tuesday 21st May 6:00pm Learning Centre – Parent Workshop
Sunday June 2nd 9:00am – Celebration of the Sacrament
Friday 7th June 9:30am (School Mass) or Sunday 9th June – Blessing and Commissioning
R/1 Mass
Thank you to the R/1 Class who led our Mass at the end of last term and especially for the beautiful Easter prayer they wrote:
We have noticed butterflies coming out of their cocoons. We have noticed all the different kinds of pinecones. We have noticed fish and crabs growing in the rock pools. We have noticed the tide coming in and out. We have noticed snakes growing too big for their skins. We have noticed flower buds on plants. We have noticed sap on trees. We have noticed creeks forming after the rain. We have noticed moss on the damp ground. May these changes remind us of Jesus when he rose again and help us to grow and change to be good people like him. Amen.
Mini Vinnies
A small number of Mini Vinnies made their second trip to the Symonds Wing at the Jamestown Hospital in the last week of term. Thanks to Fr Ranjith for coming with us. The students enjoyed reading books and playing games with the residents. We look forward to more visits this term.
The Mini Vinnies would like to thank everyone for supporting their milkshake fundraiser held late last term. $142 was raised and will go towards homelessness in Australia.
Sr Catherine Clark rsj
We heard news in the holidays that Sister Catherine Clark passed away. Sr Catherine was well known as a teacher, a principal, Province Leader, and Chair of the South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools. Catherine was an advocate for Catholic education, for justice and access, for equity and fairness. In the past she had also led our staff in faith formation, especially around the Josephite charism. Our deepest sympathy to Catherine’s family, friends and to the sisters of Saint Joseph.
Term 2 Assembly Dates
Each class will host an afternoon assembly throughout the term to showcase the learning that has been taking place. All parents and grandparents are most welcome to join us. The dates for this term’s assemblies are;
Friday 17th May – Year 4 – 2:40pm
Friday 7th June – Year 5/6 – 2:40pm
Friday 14th June – Year R/1 – 2:40pm
Friday 28th June – Year 2/3 – 2:40pm
Uniforms – Transition Period
For the first two weeks of this term, we have a transition period for uniforms. Therefore, students can wear the summer or the winter uniform depending on the weather forecast for the day. From Week 3, Term 2 all students will be asked to wear the winter uniform. Wearing the school hat is compulsory for Term 1, 3 and 4. Please make sure that your child’s hat and jumpers are named.
Please take the time to check your child’s winter uniform for sizing and place orders through the Flexi Schools App. Uniform orders are collated on Wednesday’s and sent home on Thursday’s.
Mid Year and 2024 Enrolments
In 2024 St James will be offering mid year enrolments. If your child turns 5 before 31st October 2024, they can start school at St James in Term 3 2024 and the school fees are free. Children starting in Reception mid-year will have a minimum of 6 terms in Reception. Interest and enrolments are also open for the beginning of 2025. Please contact the school and register your interest and book a discovery school tour. Children who turn 5 on or before 30th April can begin school in Term 1 of 2025.
Second Hand Uniforms Available
St James has a great range of 2nd Hand Uniform items available for families to purchase at significantly reduced prices. Please see staff at the front office for assistance with this.
CFS Catering
At the end of last term, a list of donations for our next catering event was sent out. Please have these donations to the Learning Centre by Friday 3rd May at 3pm. Thanks to Kerry Sutter and Billie Thomas who will work over the weekend to feed the CFS volunteers.
Term 2 Meeting
The next Parents and Friends meeting will be held in Week 5, Tuesday 28th May. It will be held in the Learning Centre at 6:30pm. All parents are welcome to attend.
SAPSASA Swimming
Last term, 5 St James students represented the North Eastern region at the SAPSASA Swimming Carnival in Adelaide. Ethel, Frankie, Harriet, Fletcher and Sadie swam very competitively against children from all over the state.
SAPSASA Basketball
On Wednesday the 10th of April both, our Yr 5/6 Boys and Girls teams travelled to Crystal Brook to participate in the SAPSASA Knockout Basketball Competition against other schools in our region. The following students competed; Indy, Sophie, Alayla, Lottie, Rosie, Harriet, Pippa, Patrick, Sid, Eddie, Bentley, James, Hugh S, Hamish, Ethan, Tom and Hugh T. Both teams remained undefeated throughout the day, winning all four of their games – congratulations!!! Both teams have qualified to compete at the next level of competition at Kadina on the 23rd of August. We need to extend many thanks to the number of parent volunteers we had on the day to help out and hope you can all come again to Kadina. Thank you to Adrian McCarthy and Greg Farr for coaching, Kerry Sutter and Bernadette McCarthy for umpiring, Colleen Broad and Narelle Richmond for scoring and also to everyone that assisted with travel. Finally, a big thank you to the St James Parents and Friends Committee for the flash new basketball uniforms that were purchased for the students to wear. A very successful and enjoyable day! Without all your support these days are unable to go ahead.
SAPSASA Cross Country
The SAPSASA Cross Country event takes place this Wednesday the 1st of May at the Wilmington Golf Course. All the best to Flynn T, Ethel A, Ethan M and Hugh S who will represent the school at this event.
SAPSASA Athletics NE District Trials
The SAPSASA Athletics Trials take place on Tuesday 7th May. During the last week of Term 1, trials were held for students who wished to enter the NE Athletics Trials. Results from Sports Day were also used to determine the entrants. Students who qualify to be entrants for the trials will receive notification in the next few days.
In order to participate in the trials, families must be willing to travel to Adelaide, should they be selected to represent the NE District. If any parents of the students entered into the trials are able to assist on the day with judging or scoring, please let Mr Wrobel know. We wish these students all the best at the trials.
The SAPSASA Football Carnival takes place in Adelaide on Monday 27th to Wednesday 29th of May during Week 5. Well done to Hugh S, Ethan M and Hamish S who have been selected to represent St James in the NE District AFL Team.
The last few weeks of Term 1 were very busy and filled with lots of events. We loved sports day, first aid in schools, orienteering, project compassion fundraisers and the Easter plays. We were lucky enough to have some caterpillars that became monarch butterflies in our class. Here are some of the big wonderings we had about them as they hatched:
I wonder if it’s a boy or a girl?
I wonder when one will hatch?
I wonder if I can catch it when it flies away?
I wonder how old it is?
I wonder how long it will survive?
I wonder if it will find some butterfly friends?
I wonder if it will have babies?
We also loved reading the book ‘Runt’ by Craig Silvey last term. We enjoyed following Runt and Annie on their adventure to save their farm, but didn’t quite get it finished in time for the holidays… We are excited to finish it off over the next few days and find out if they manage to save it or not!
This term in Year 2/3 we are looking forward to learning about fractions, money, and data in Maths, First Nations Australians in HASS, different genres of writing in Literacy, Saints in Religion, and emotions and The Resilience Project in Health.

Important Dates
1st Day of Term 2
SAPSASA Cross Country Trials
SAPSASA AFL Training - 4:30pm
SAPSASA Athletic Trials @ JCS 10am - 2pm
Mother's Day Mass 9:30am - Led by R/1
SAPSASA AFL Training - 4pm
Assembly 2:40pm - Yr 4
Walk to School Day
Pentecost Mass 9:30am - Led by Yr 5/6
School Board Meeting - 7:30pm
First Communion Parent Education Workshop - 6pm
SAPSASA Boys AFL State Carnival - Mon-Wed
P & F Meeting - 6:30pm
First Communion Sacramental Mass 9am
SAPSASA Netball Training - 4pm
SAPSASA Yr 4/5/6 Rugby Tag Carnival @ JCS
Sacred Heart of Jesus Mass 9:30am - Led by YR 2/3
Assembly 2:40pm - Yr 5/6
Assembly 2:40pm - Yr R/1
School Board Meeting - 7:30pm
Mary MacKillop Play - Whole School Excursion to Gladstone
Assembly 2:40pm - Yr 2/3
Thanksgiving Mass 9:30am - Led by YR 4
We acknowledge the Ngadjuri people, traditional custodians of this land.

Tuck Roster

Convenor: Ellie S
Worker: Suanne R
Cakes: Dale L & Alice P
Convenor: Jodie T
Worker: None required
Cakes: Lisa S & Ashley B
Parish Mass
Welcomers: Sara & Adrian C
Servers: Patrick C, Tom C & Fletcher W
Welcomers: Ellie & Chris S & Family
Servers: Eddie D, Hamish S & Hazel H
