Week 1 Term 3, 2024
St James, a fisherman, was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus. He is the patron saint of Spain, of our Catholic Church in Jamestown and our school. His feast day is celebrated every year on the 25th of July. After the death of Jesus, St James spent nine years in Spain, spreading the Good News about Christ. He was known to walk with a walking stick, called a staff, and he used scallop shells to drink water. St James is buried in the town of Santiago de Compostela in Spain.
Dear God,
We thank you for St James for his faithfulness to you, for his courage and his desire to share your story of love with all people. Help us through his story, to learn to be faithful and courageous followers of you every moment of every day. Amen
Welcome to the first newsletter for Term 3. It was certainly nice to have a change of pace during the mid year break and to spend time with family and friends. I hope all in the school community have had a chance to rest, and hopefully all of the nasty coughs and colds have disappeared. I look forward to Term 3.
The main focus of this term will be our bi-annual musical production, “The Wizard of Oz.” The students made a great start to learning their parts and songs late last term, thanks to Mrs Lewis and Mrs Simpson. I thank them for their work so far and look forward to the continued preparations. I also thank the costume committee, especially, Kerry Sutter for their work in preparing costumes.
Yesterday, during the pupil free day, staff spent time developing whole school practices that encourage positive behaviour, through the PBIS (Positive Behaviour and Intervention Supports) framework. This includes having clear and concise, whole school practices, teaching expected behaviours and practicing these. We believe that the more positive feedback students receive, the more likely students are to behaviour positively. We also spent time improving the way we record learning adjustments for students with special needs, and making further improvements to the teaching methods used in Literacy lessons, including being clear on lesson structures, content to prioritise and teachers reviewed reading assessment results.
This term, we welcome Angus Klingner, in Year 4, to our school along with his parents Anna and Nicholas. May their time at St James be one of welcome, friendship, learning and hospitality.
Rebecca Connor, who commenced working at the school at the start of this year as a Curriculum ESO, will be departing our school and has relocated to Pt. Pirie. Her last day of work at our school will be this Friday 26th July. In her short six months, she has made many positive contributions to the school and will be missed by students and staff, and we thank her for her dedication to the school.
Opening of the St James School Emu School Crossing
On Monday 1st July the school held an official opening of the new Emu Crossing located at the front of St James School. In attendance at the official opening was Mayor, Sue Scarman of the Northern Areas Council and representatives from the RAA, Charles Mountain and Paul Leone. The students and families now have a much safer place to cross the road in front of the school. The area has also been improved as a new footpath and carparking has been built. The school is thankful for the additional safety additions and improved facilities and offers a big thank you to the Northern Areas Council for the huge contribution to the cost of the project as well as the $10,000 grant from the RAA. Students in Year 5/6 have completed road crossing monitor training. Many of these students are rostered to be crossing monitors, which they do proudly.
Uniform Review
Recently, all parents were invited to complete a uniform review survey. Thank you to all who responded. The results are currently being collated. Information about the results will be shared soon. Should there be enough interest in a change, the next step will be to ask each family to vote on any proposals. If there are any changes to uniforms, these must then be approved by Catholic Education South Australia and there would be a two year transition period.

We extend our gratitude to the Catholic Women’s League for inviting us to sing at their birthday celebrations last term and for their generous monetary donation.
It was wonderful to have parents and candidates come together for a short workshop and discussion about the Sacrament of Confirmation. May this time of preparation be a special moment in their faith journey.
- Retreat - Friday 26th July: All-day retreat. Appila Springs
- Celebration of the Sacrament - Friday 9th August, 6pm
- Commissioning of Children - Friday 16th August, 9:30am or Sunday 18th August, 9am: Blessing and commissioning of children to live their lives with Christ.
All members of the community are invited to the Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday 9th August at 6pm.
Feast of Saint James
We will celebrate the Feast of St James on Friday 26th July. The R/1 Class will lead us in this celebration at 9:30am Mass. At lunch time the student in R-4 will gather for a lunch time treat of fish fingers and hot chips. No order or payment is needed. Weather permitting, they will then head to Memorial Park on a ‘Mini Camino’ trail.
Feast of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop
Saint Mary MacKillop’s Feast Day is on Thursday 8th August. On this day, we celebrate the story of Australia’s first and only saint, the founding sister of the Josephites, who started schools like ours all over Australia. As a school, we will travel to Bowman’s Park near Crystal Brook and enjoy a day of festivities with St Joseph’s Peterborough and St Joseph’s Gladstone. Further information will be provided via an Operoo notice in the coming weeks.
Community Freezer
A big thank you to Mrs Gresch and a small group of students for stocking the community freezer. If you have any leftover dinner, please feel free to place it in a container with the date and ingredients and add it to the freezer located in the Learning Centre kitchen.
Missionaries of God’s Love
During the last week of Term 2, we were visited by members of the Missionaries of God’s Love (MGL). This congregation, established in Canberra in 1986, is dedicated to spreading the Good News of God's love to the young and the poor. They engaged with Year 4 and 5/6 classes, using drama and music to encourage us all to embrace our unique gifts and talents.
Earlier this year, we discovered some old woollen football jumpers once used at St James. On the last day of term, students enjoyed using them during lunchtime, reminiscing about old times.
National Schools Tree Planting Day – Year 4 Excursion
The Year 4 Class will go on a walking excursion this Friday 26th July to take part in the National Schools Tree Planting Day. The class will walk to Jones Street, leaving at 9:45. Staff from Kelly Toyota will be organising the day and will supply all equipment and as well as a sausage sizzle and a fruit box. The Year 4 Class will return at 12:15pm. This will be a great way for our students to show care for the environment.
Term 3 Assembly Dates
Each class will host an afternoon assembly throughout second half of the year to showcase the learning that has been taking place. All parents and grandparents are most welcome to join us. The assemblies taking place this term include;
Friday 16th August – Year 4 – 2:40pm
Friday 20th September – Year 5/6 – 2:40pm
Musical Production “The Wizard of Oz” - Update
Rehearsals began last term and we can see that many students have already been learning their parts. Rehearsals will continue on a weekly basis during Weeks 1-5. Some weeks, the rehearsal day has been changed due to clashes with other events. Below is the rehearsal schedule;
- Week 1 – Thursday 25th July
- Week 2 – Thursday 1st Aug
- Week 3 – Tuesday 6th Aug
- Week 4 – Tuesday 13th Aug
- Week 5 – Thursday 22nd Aug
Full Rehearsals will take place at the Jamestown Memorial Hall (Town Hall). This will usually take at least 3-4 hours of the day and will involve the whole school walking to the hall and back. These will take place on the following dates;
- Week 6 – Wednesday 28th Aug
- Week 6 – Thursday 29th Aug
- Week 6 – Friday 30th August
- Week 7 – Monday 2nd Sept
The main shows will be held at the Jamestown Memorial Hall at the following times and dates;
- Matinee – Tuesday 3rd September (for students from neighbouring schools) at 12:30pm
- Finale – Wednesday 4th September at 7pm
All Year 6 students are invited to an afternoon full of fun activities with Sister Kerry. This takes place on Tuesday 6th August at 3:15pm in the Learning Centre.
Pupil Free Days 2024 - Staff Training Days
The remaining Pupil Free Days this year include;
- Term 4 - Week 1 - Monday 14th October – Curriculum Day
- Term 4 - Week 9 - Friday 13th December – Handover and Curriculum Data Day
2025 Enrolments
Enrolments are open for the beginning of 2025. Please contact the school and register your interest and book a discovery school tour. Children who turn 5 on or before 30th April can begin school in Term 1 of 2025.
SAPSASA Netball State Carnival
The SAPSASA State Netball Carnival took place recently on 24-26 June. Harriet S, Indy F and Alayla K represented our school in the North East Zone SAPSASA Netball Team. Well done to these girls for being selected.

Thrive with 5 – Article from the Australian Primary Principals Association
Why Talking with Babies is Super Important!
Talking with babies helps them learn to understand and use words, which is key for their brain growth and future learning. Here’s how you can make it fun and helpful:
Talk About Everything: Describe what you're doing, even if it's boring. For example, say, "I'm washing dishes now."
Repeat Their Sounds: If they say "mama," you can say, "Yes, mama loves you!"
Show Interest: Look into their eyes and smile when they babble or talk.
Talk About What They Like: If they play with a toy train, say, "Toot, toot!"
Read Together: Look at picture books and name what you see. Point to a cat and say, "Look, a cat! Can you say cat?"
Praise Them: If they point to a dog and say "dog," you can say, "Well done for pointing out the dog!"
Ask Questions: Even though they can't answer, asking questions helps them learn about conversations. For example, ask, "Do you want your teddy bear?" and then give it to them.
Doing these fun activities helps babies learn to talk and gets their brains ready for learning more as they grow!
Important Dates
First Day of Term 3
SAPSASA Soccer Training JCS 4-5PM
Tree Planting - Year 4's
Feast of St James Mass - 9:30am
Confirmation Retreat Yr 5/6
SAPSASA AFL Girls Training Jamestown 4-5.30pm
SAPSASA Soccer Training JCS 4-5PM
SAPSASA Soccer Training Crystal Brook PS 4-5.30PM
Mary MacKillop Day JJJ @ Gladstone
Confirmation Mass - 6pm
School Board Meeting - 7.30pm
SAPSASA AFL Girls Trials Crystal Brook 4-5pm
SAPSASA Soccer State Carnival 14th - 16th Aug
Assumption of Mary Liturgy - 9.30am
Assembly Year 4 - 2.40pm
BOOK WEEK Parade - 9am
We acknowledge the Ngadjuri people, traditional custodians of this land.

Tuck Roster

Convenor: Collen B
Worker: Anna S
Cakes: Laruen A & Debbie M
Convenor: Suanne R
Worker: Kelly M
Cakes: Jess K & Claire S
Parish Mass
Welcomers: Megan R, Bel & Daisy H
Servers: Ned C, Sid C & Hugh T
Welcomers: Claire S & Family
Servers: Harriet S, Bowie S, Penny W & Teddy S
The Southern Cross

The Southern Cross newsletter and the online edition of The Southern Cross July 2024.
