Week 1 Term 4, 2024
The focus country this year for Mission Month is Mongolia, which is located between Russia and China. During Mission Month the students learn about Catholic Social Justice, especially how they can look after others.
Let us pray,
We pray for the needs of the Church and its people. We pray that we continue to show compassion and love for people affected by inequality. In particular, we pray for the Church in Mongolia, that they may continue to invite people to the banquet, and that charitable works adequately support people in need.
Welcome to the first newsletter for the term. It is hard to believe that the final term is already upon us. Term 4 is always a busy term, with many sporting activities, camps and excursions, the swimming program and the end of year celebrations. Please check the “Important Dates” section of the newsletter and add these to your family’s calendar.
Today, during the pupil free day, staff spent time reviewing whole school practices in Wellbeing, Literacy and Numeracy. Teachers spent time planning for the remainder of the year, making sure that they are covering all essential content in the Australian Curriculum.
Diocesan Lantern Visit
"Let Your Light Shine" has been a guiding theme for Religious Education in all Catholic schools in the Port Pirie Diocese in 2024. Throughout the year, a lantern has been traveling across the state, visiting each Catholic School. Accompanying the lantern is a scroll featuring the signatures of the principal and school captains. This week, it is our school's turn to host the lantern. We will have it lit during the Vinnies Sleep Out, signifying community, faith, and service before passing it on to St. Mark’s College.
Vinnies Sleep Out
This week the Mini Vinnies will be busily preparing for their night of ‘sleeping rough’ this Saturday. An outline of the experience is as follows:
5:30pm: Arrival at school
6:30pm: Activity Stations on homelessness
7:00pm: Dinner (Two Minute Noodles and soup will be provided)
8:00pm: Games/Movie
9:00am: Mass
9.45: Morning tea fundraiser with parishioners
10:30am: Pick up
We look forward to sharing our stories and insights with you in the next newsletter.
Gala Day
October is Mission Month in the Catholic Church, and we’re excited to celebrate Gala Day on Friday 25th of October. Students will set up stalls for an afternoon of fun and fundraising for missions worldwide. We’ll begin the day with Mass at 9:30 AM with the parish, and the stalls will open at 1 PM. Families are warmly invited to join us for both Mass and the afternoon festivities.
Grandparent’s Day
On Friday, 15th November, Friday, 15th November, we would like to honour Grandparents and other special figures in our lives. Grandparents, families, and special friends are invited to Mass at 9:30 AM led by the R/1 Class, followed by morning tea under the trees. Children will be sending out invites soon, so please mark this date on your calendar.
All Saints Day
On Friday 1st of November, the church celebrates All Saints Day. The Year 2/3 Class will lead us in celebrating Mass with the parish at 9:30am.
Uniform Review
The results from the recent uniform review survey have now been collated. Thank you to all who responded. A letter and survey will be sent out later this week for further parent consultation. If there are any changes to uniforms, these must then be approved by Catholic Education South Australia and there would be a two year transition period.
Pupil Free Day 2024 - Staff Training Days
The final Pupil Free Day this year will be held on;
- Term 4 - Week 9 - Friday 13th December – Handover and Curriculum Data Day
School Buses
Bus families - please note that Jamestown Community School has one remaining Student Free Day coming up. This means there will be no buses running on this day. The date is as follows;
- Term 4 – Week 4 – Friday 8th November
Summer Uniform Transition
As the weather varies at this time of the year, students can choose whether they wear their winter or summer uniforms for the first two weeks of Term 4. From Week 3, Term 4, all students are expected to wear their summer uniforms.
Hats – All students are expected to wear their hat at recess, lunch, PE lessons and during excursions throughout Term 4. Please ensure your child brings this to school. New hats can be purchased via the Flexi Schools App.
Year 4 Camp
The Year 4 Class will be heading off to the Woodhouse Adventure Park, in the Adelaide Hills in Week 3 on Thursday 31st October and they will return Friday 1st November. They will take part in a variety of outdoor challenge activities. We look forward to hearing about their camp experiences.
We are pleased to inform our school families that there will no increase in school fees for the 2025 school year. Some costs are billed separately, these include camps and the swimming program.
It is at the heart of Catholic education that our schools are affordable and accessible to all. If any family has financial concerns, please contact our Finance Officer, Helen Latham or the Principal to confidentially discuss additional support through fee remissions.
- 15th October - Girls AFL Training @ Crystal Brook 4-5pm
- 29th October - Girls & Boys Cricket Training @ Jamestown 4-5pm
- 12th November - Tennis Training @ Crystal Brook 4-5pm
- 21st - 23rd October - Girls AFL State Carnival
- 4th - 6th November - Girls & Boys Cricket State Carnival
- 20th - 22nd Novmeber - Tennis State Carnival
Congratulations to Pippa C, Indy F, Alayla K who have been selected in the North Eastern Region SAPSASA AFL Girls Team. The girls will compete in the carnival next week from Monday 21st to Wednesday 23rd October. We wish them all the best.
You will notice a new tuck item on the Flexischools app this week. Small frozen yoghurts will be available to order during the warmer months.
Funeral Catering
The Parents and Friends Committee has been asked to cater for the funeral of John Clarke. We extend our condolences to his family; Bernadette, David, Maria and Damien (Peewee). If you received a text message over the weekend, you are asked to contribute food for afternoon tea. Please drop off your donations at the Learning Centre by Wednesday at 9:30 AM. Thank you for your generosity; your support not only helps our school and parish families at a time of need, but also raises funds for our school. The parish will provide workers for the day.
CFS Catering
The school has a long association with the Jamestown CFS in catering for their training weekends as a fundraiser for our school. We have a wonderful playground and some great resources because of the efforts of our parent body. We have just been notified of an upcoming training on October 25th, 26th and 27th. If you can work on Friday (dinner), Saturday (breakfast, lunch, or dinner) or Sunday (breakfast or lunch), please notify the school office as soon as possible. We will again be asking for donations from our community for this weekend.
Kitchen Spring Clean
A heartfelt thank you to Sarah Pammenter and Kerry Sutter for their dedication in cleaning out the pantry in the Learning Centre. It really has made a wonderful difference to that space and made the organisation of Tuck a lot simpler.
Our next meeting will take place on Tuesday, 29th October (Week 3). We will be discussing our end-of-year celebrations and planning for 2025. Everyone is welcome to join us in building a supportive school community.
Term 4 Assembly Dates
Two classes will have their turn to host an afternoon assembly during Term 4 to showcase the learning that has been taking place. All parents and grandparents are most welcome to join us. The assemblies taking place this term include;
- Friday 8th November – Year 2/3 Class – 2:40pm
- Friday 22nd November – Reception / Year 1 Class – 2:40pm

Enrolments are open for the beginning of 2025. Please contact the school and register your interest and book a discovery school tour. Children who turn 5 on or before 30th April can begin school in Term 1 of 2025.
Important Dates
Term 4 Starts - WEEK 1
Misson Day Mass 9.30am
Gala Day 1.00 - 2.45pm
P & F Meeting - 6.30pm
Yr 4 Woodhouse Camp
Yr 4 Woodhouse Camp
ALL SAINTS DAY Mass 9.30am Yr 2/3
No Buses Running - JCS Student Free Day
Assembly Yr 2/3 - 2.40pm
Remembrance Day Service - 11am
Hot Shots Tennis Yr 3-6
Grandparents Day Mass R/1 - 9.30am
Assembly R/1 - 2.40pm
Swimming Lessons - All week
Thanksgiving Mass and Yr 6 Graduation - 6pm
We acknowledge the Ngadjuri people, traditional custodians of this land.

Tuck Roster

Convenor: Colleen B
Worker: Kelly Mac
Cakes: Jess Alexander
Convenor: Suanne R
Worker: Not Required
Cakes: Sara C & Jaimie C
Parish Mass

Welcomers: Peter M
Servers: Pippa & Elkie C, Charlotte S
Welcomers: Carmel F
Servers: Pippa & Elkie C, Colbie C
The Southern Cross
