Week 3, Term 2

Heavenly Father,
We come before You today in prayer for our mother’s. We thank You for their unconditional love and unwavering devotion to us. Bless them with Your grace and provide them with Your strength. We pray that all mothers have families who love and cherish them and friends who will walk alongside them. Bless our mother’s according to Your will as we celebrate Mother’s Day.
Welcome to the Week 3 newsletter. I hope all mothers had the chance to spend quality time with their children and their families on Mother’s Day. We thank our mothers for the love, care and guidance that they provide to us.
This week we celebrate Catholic Education Week. The theme is “Raising Hearts and Minds to the wonder and awe of God’s creation.” The theme chosen by Catholic Education SA seems to be hand chosen for our school as this has become an even bigger focus for our school during 2024. This year, we have embarked on a Nature Play focus where each class spends one lesson per week outdoors in nature in "Wonder Time." Students get to explore and be curious about the world around them. They are encouraged to care for our surroundings and to bring that curiosity back into the class to enhance their learning. Our school also has beautiful nature based playgrounds, which enhances the love of nature and it also promotes problem solving as they navigate the playground. Our students also learn about and practice sustainability by recycling, providing food scraps to our chooks and they spend time in the school’s vegetable garden.
Miss Cheriton attended her Graduation Ceremony during the school holidays and received her Bachelor of Education. Congratulations Minnesota. She has made a great start to her teaching career.
Staffing Update
Colleen Broad has concluded her time as a cleaning staff member at St James. She worked diligently for the school for three years, keeping our school clean and we thank her for her hard work.
Employment Opportunity - Cleaner
The school is seeking a Cleaner. Applications close today. The position is 8 hours per week and it is a permanent position. Working days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For more details refer to the link; https://www.cesa.catholic.edu.au/working-with-us/positions-vacant/job-detail/98165

First Communion
We continue to pray for the children preparing for the Sacrament of First Communion.
For the Year 4 students preparing for First Communion the following dates would be important to have in your calendar.
Tuesday 21st May 6:00pm Learning Centre – Parent Workshop
Wednesday 29th May - First Communion Retreat (Moved from Thursday 16th May, you will receive a note via Operoo this week)
Sunday June 2nd 9:00am – Celebration of the Sacrament
Friday 7th June 9:30am (School Mass) or Sunday 9th June – Blessing and Commissioning
Last week, Catholic students in Year 5 and 6 should have received a letter from Fr Harold outlining the process of preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Please see Annie O’Reilley if you did not receive a copy of the letter or require more information.
On Sunday 19th May the Church celebrates Pentecost. Pentecost is the coming of the Holy Spirit to inspire the disciples to take Jesus’ message of love and forgiveness to others.
The Year 5/6 Class will lead our school in celebrating this important feast day on Monday 20th May. Families are very welcome to join us for Mass at 9:30am.
Mother’s Day Mass
Thank you to the Reception and Year One Class for leading us in Mass last Friday, giving thanks for our mothers and to celebrate Mary the mother of Jesus. They did a wonderful job. Thank you to Mrs Stacey for organising a lovely morning tea under the trees for the mother and grandmothers.

Term 2 Assembly Dates
Each class will host an afternoon assembly throughout the term to showcase the learning that has been taking place. All parents and grandparents are most welcome to join us. The first Assembly is this;
- Friday 17th May – 2:40pm in the Learning Centre – led by the Year 4 Class
The remaining dates for this term’s assemblies are;
Friday 7th June – Year 5/6 – 2:40pm
Friday 14th June – Year R/1 – 2:40pm
Friday 28th June – Year 2/3 – 2:40pm
Pupil Free Days 2024 - Staff Training Days
Staff are required to complete updates and training throughout the year, to enable them to keep to up to date and maintain a safe learning environment. The next Pupil Free Day will be based on building Staff Faith Formation and is on;
- Term 2 - Week 5 - Friday 31st May – Staff Religious Retreat Day
The remaining Pupil Free Days this year include;
- Term 3 - Week 1 - Monday 22nd July – Curriculum Day
- Term 4 - Week 1 - Monday 14th October – Curriculum Day
- Term 4 - Week 9 - Friday 13th December – Handover and Curriculum Data Day
Educational Psychologist Visit
As a part of our partnership with Catholic Education South Australia, we provide access to a highly experienced educational psychologist. Trent Ames visits our school every term. With parent permission, he can observe children in class and complete assessments for social and emotional concerns and for academic or learning issues. Trent is available to meet with parents, on request. These services are provided for free. Usually access to this type of service is expensive, requires a long wait of more than 12 months and can mean multiple trips to Adelaide, resulting in parents having to take time of work. This service is offered to compliment the school’s approaches to inclusive education. If any parent would like to find out more or has concerns about their child, please make a time to speak to the principal. Trent’s next visit in next week on Tuesday 21st May.
School Uniforms
From now on until the end of Term 3, all students are expected to wear the winter uniform. The Summer to Winter Uniform Transition Period is now finished.
Please take the time to check your child’s winter uniform for sizing and place orders through the Flexi Schools App. Uniform orders are collated on Wednesday’s and sent home on Thursday’s.
Mid Year and 2024 Enrolments
In 2024 St James will be offering mid year enrolments. If your child turns 5 before 31st October 2024, they can start school at St James in Term 3 2024 and the school fees are free. Children starting in Reception mid-year will have a minimum of 6 terms in Reception. Interest and enrolments are also open for the beginning of 2025. Please contact the school and register your interest and book a discovery school tour. Children who turn 5 on or before 30th April can begin school in Term 1 of 2025.
Second Hand Uniforms Available
St James has a great range of 2nd Hand Uniform items available for families to purchase at significantly reduced prices. Please see staff at the front office for assistance with this.

The St James School Board wish to acknowledge and congratulate Tash Downing, mother of Ross in Year 1, on being awarded Pharmacist of the Year – South Australia and Northern Territory by the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia.
Well done Tash! The St James School community are very proud and privileged to have you as a part of our school and the Jamestown Community.
Please read the article below which details Tash’s work history and valuable contributions to the field.
Pharmacists recognised for excellence - Australian Pharmacist
Thank you for your donations for last weekend’s catering event. Catering for the CFS is a wonderful way to link with our community and it’s a great fundraiser for our school. A very big thank you to Billie and Kerry for organising and working at this event. We expect to have 2 more catering events in August and in October and will be asking for more workers at these events.
Our Term 2 meeting will be held on Tuesday 28th May in the Learning Centre at 6:30pm. Please feel very welcome to join us. These meetings are a wonderful place to share ideas and show your support of the school.
SAPSASA Cross Country
On 1st May, five of our students competed at the SAPSASA North East District Cross Country Trials at the Wilmington Golf Course. Congratulations to Ethan M, Hugh S, Eddie D, Bentley C and Flynn T who have all been selected to compete at the Cross Country Schools State Championships at Oakbank on Thursday 6th June. We wish these students all the best with their training and at the event.
SAPSASA Athletics NE District Trials
The SAPSASA Athletics Trials took place on Tuesday 7th May. Thank you to Ms O’Reilley who took the 18 students across the road to the Jamestown Community School Oval. Congratulations to the following students who will have the opportunity to compete at the State Athletics Championships in Adelaide on Monday 16th September;
Elkie C – 100m, 200m, Relay
Alayla K – 100m, Relay
Indy F – 800m, Long Jump, Relay
Ethel A – Long Jump, Relay
Flynn T – 100m, Long Jump
Fletcher W – 200m, 800m,
Thomas P – High Jump
Patrick C – Shot Put
Thomas C – Discus
Hugh T – Discus
The SAPSASA Football Carnival takes place in Adelaide on Monday 27th to Wednesday 29th May during Week 5. Well done to Hugh S, Ethan M and Hamish S who have been selected to represent St James in the NE District AFL Team.
The first two weeks of Term 2 have been a lot of fun for the Year 4 cohort! We have been enjoying a variety of different activities and learning opportunities. On Monday of Week 2, we were lucky enough to enjoy two sessions with Nature Play SA, where we learnt all about the flora and fauna in our local area, and we were given the chance to engage with lots of different nature play activities, including building mini aqueducts, flying kites, constructing teepees, and painting plans for our own creations that could one day be used to help the plants and animals at our school!
In preparation for Mother’s Day on the 12th of May, we also spent a lot of time creating lovely gifts and cards for our Mums, to thank them for all they have done for us.

At St James we are always striving to improve and support student wellbeing and engagement. We have once again added another layer of support for our students.
Recently we were extremely lucky to have been granted money from Variety, the Children's Charity SA, to establish a sensory room within the school.
Sensory rooms, when effectively used, are a resource to support students’ sensory needs so they can achieve their learning goals and be active and engaged learners. They proactively support and respond to the students' sensory needs.
With the money, we have been able to purchase the following items (Included is a brief description outlining how they support regulation) :
Peapod which is like a blow-up canoe, this provides sensory input into the whole body of the child when they lay in it. Deep pressure provides proprioceptive input which calms and regulates the central nervous system.
Cloud sensory beanbag these are filled with a sensory foam that eliminates noise and prevents overstimulation in our students who may already be heightened or have a sensitivity to noise or feel of traditional beanbag filling.
Crash mat which is another item that provides proprioceptive input. Jumping into the soft, crash pad promotes strong tactile senses especially in our autistic children.
Blackout sensory tent which reduces sensory input and provides a safe and non-stimulating space for children to calm down and refocus.
Lycra tunnel this hugs around the child's body resulting in deep pressure touch which is controlled by the child as they make their way through it. This stimulation releases serotonin in the brain, in turn helping child to be calm, relaxed, concentrate on a task.
We would like to thank and acknowledge all the fundraisers, sponsors and supporters of Variety, the children’s charity SA, for their generous donation and support of our school. We know our students will greatly benefit from the new room.

Important Dates
Assembly 2:40pm - Yr 4
Pentecost Mass 9:30am - Led by Yr 5/6
School Board Meeting - 7:30pm
First Communion Parent Education Workshop - 6pm
SAPSASA Boys AFL State Carnival - Mon-Wed
P & F Meeting - 6:30pm
First Communion Retreat
First Communion Sacramental Mass 9am
SAPSASA Netball Training - 4pm
SAPSASA Yr 4/5/6 Rugby Tag Carnival @ JCS
SAPSASA State Cross Country
Sacred Heart of Jesus Mass 9:30am - Led by YR 2/3
Assembly 2:40pm - Yr 5/6
PUBLIC HOLIDAY- King's Birthday
SAPSASA Soccer Trials @ JCS 4pm
SAPSASA Hockey Trials @ Crystal Brook 4pm
Assembly 2:40pm - Yr R/1
School Board Meeting - 7:30pm
SAPSASA Soccer trials - 4pm
Mary MacKillop Play - Whole School Excursion to Gladstone
SAPSASA Netball Carnival - Mon-Wed
Assembly 2:40pm - Yr 2/3
Thanksgiving Mass 9:30am - Led by YR 4
We acknowledge the Ngadjuri people, traditional custodians of this land.

Tuck Roster

Convenor: Bern M
Worker: Louise G
Cakes: Sam C & Peta C
Convenor: Annie O
Worker: Anna S
Cakes: Mel C & Dette C
Parish Mass
Welcomers: Martin K & Anne- Marie S
Servers: Lucy L, Saddie R & Colbie C
Welcomers: Luke & Dette C & Family
Servers: Will P, Tom P & Ethan M
