Week 5, Term 2
Yesterday, the Catholic Church celebrated “The Most Holy Trinity.” On this day the Church honours the one God in three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Dear Father, you sent your Word to bring us truth and your Spirit to make us holy. Through them, we come to know the mystery of your life. Help us worship you, one God in three Persons, by proclaiming and living our faith in you. We ask this, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, one God, true and living, forever and ever Amen.
Welcome to the Week 5 newsletter. All students are working well with their teachers and class members. An important part of learning at St James includes teachers stating and displaying the learning intentions for each lesson to the students. This means the students are provided with a sentence, in child friendly language, about what they are learning in the lesson. Teachers are also working with their classes to identify the success criteria for each lesson. To put it simply, students and teachers negotiate and agree on what they need to achieve to show their learning. To ensure learning intentions and success criteria are effective, teachers have created “bump it up walls” in each class. This is a useful display in the class that includes examples of the work expected, which would be deemed at standard, above standard and well above standard. It means that as students produce work, they can refer to the bump it up wall, to see if they are on track to be at standard or better. Feel free to visit your child’s class to see learning intentions, success criterium and bump it up walls.
First Communion
We continue to pray for the children preparing for the Sacrament of First Communion. It was lovely to meet with candidates, parents, and Fr Ranjith last Tuesday night to learn more about the sacrament. This Sunday at 9am they will receive Eucharist for the first time, which is a very special moment in their faith life. All families are welcome to join us at 9am Mass, followed by a morning tea in the Learning Centre.
For the Year 4 students preparing for First Communion the following dates would be important to have in your calendar.
Wednesday 29th May – Retreat Day at Bundaleer Forest
Sunday June 2nd 9:00am – Celebration of the Sacrament
Friday 7th June 9:30am (School Mass) or Sunday 9th June – Blessing and Commissioning
Catholic students in Year 5 and 6 should have received a letter from Fr Harold outlining the process of preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. The following dates were given in the letter;
- Enquiry weekend (Any Sunday Mass 9am before 16th June) At the end of Mass, ask Father for an enrolment form and feel free to ask questions.
- Rite of Commitment (Sunday 16th June - 9am) After the homily, children will make a commitment to their preparation program and ask for blessings and prayers of their parents and parish community.
- Parent and candidate workshop (Tuesday 2nd July - 6pm) A short workshop for parents and children to help you with your preparation. Practical points before Sacramental celebrations.
- Celebration of the Sacrament (Friday 9th August - 6pm) Celebration of your child's Confirmation with Bishop Karol.
- Commissioning of Children (Friday 16th August - 9:30am or Sunday 18th August - 9am) Blessing and commissioning of children to go out and live their life with Christ.
Sacred Heart of Jesus
The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a day to remember that the heart is a symbol of the human centre. The feast day enables us to dwell on the great mystery of our faith, that God is love. This also strengthens us and inspires us to imitate his love and to help build a life of love. From the Sacred Heart of Jesus, our hearts learn meekness, humility, mercy, and love (https://todayscatholic.org). The Year 2/3 class will lead us in Mass on Friday 7th June at 9:30am.
Pupil Free Days 2024 - Staff Training Days
The next Pupil Free Day will be based on building Staff Faith Formation and is on;
Term 2 - Week 5 - Friday 31st May – Staff Religious Retreat Day
The remaining Pupil Free Days this year include;
Term 3 - Week 1 - Monday 22nd July – Curriculum Day
Term 4 - Week 1 - Monday 14th October – Curriculum Day
Term 4 - Week 9 - Friday 13th December – Handover and Curriculum Data Day
Term 2 Assembly Dates
Each class will host an afternoon assembly throughout the term to showcase the learning that has been taking place. All parents and grandparents are most welcome to join us. The next Assembly is on;
Friday 7th June – 2:40pm in the Learning Centre – led by the Year 5/6 Class
The remaining dates for this term’s assemblies are;
Friday 14th June – Year R/1 – 2:40pm
Friday 28th June – Year 2/3 – 2:40pm
Uniforms – Winter Uniform
The summer to winter uniform transition period was extended last week and it will continue until the end of this week. From the beginning of June, until the end of Term 3, all students are expected to wear the winter uniform.
Second Hand Uniforms Available
St James has a great range of 2nd Hand Uniform items available for families to purchase at significantly reduced prices. Please see staff at the front office for assistance with this.
School Sports Vouchers
All South Australian families are eligible for a voucher for children to contribute towards sports club fees. Contact your local club for further details.
Noonan Funeral
This Wednesday, we have been asked to cater for the funeral of Damien Noonan, with help from the St James Parish. The Noonan’s are a much-loved family of the St James community, and we extend our sincere condolences to Rhonda and her family at this sad time. You might have received a text from Kerry Sutter asking for donations of food. Please drop donations to the football clubrooms or the Learning Centre by 10am Wednesday morning. As always, your continued support of our school community is greatly appreciated. Thanks to Kerry Sutter for coordinating this with the parish.
Next Meeting
Our Term 2 meeting will be held this Tuesday at 6:30pm in the Learning Centre. There will be discussion around catering for funerals, school production and a focus for our fundraising efforts. Please feel very welcome to join us, especially if you have never been to a meeting before.

SAPSASA Rugby Tag Carnival
Next week, on Wednesday 5th June, all Year 5/6 students will take part in the North East Zone SAPSASA Rugby Tag Carnival at the Jamestown Community School Oval. Parents are asked to lookout for the upcoming Operoo parent notification, which will contain further information.
SAPSASA State Cross Country Championships
Congratulations to Ethan M, Hugh S, Eddie D, Bentley C and Flynn T who have all been selected to compete at the Cross Country Schools State Championships at Oakbank next week on Thursday 6th June. We wish these students all the best with their training and at the event.
The SAPSASA Football Carnival takes place in Adelaide today, Monday 27th May through to Wednesday 29th May. Well done to Hugh S, Ethan Mc and Hamish S who have been selected to represent St James in the NE Zone District AFL Team. We look forward to hearing about their participation on their return to school.
Last week the Reception to Year 3 students participated in the National Simultaneous Storytime. We read Bowerbird Blues together with children all over Australia at the same time. We then created our own bowerbird nests. We love reading in our class, and Bowerbird Blues has become a popular book to read and share during our reading time.
Below are two reflective quotes from our students about the main message they gained from the text;
“The book made me think, you don’t need lots of things to make you happy. You just need a friend.” Daisy H
“It made me think you don’t need to go out looking for things, be yourself and let them come to you.” Macy L

Important Dates
SAPSASA Boys AFL State Carnival - Mon-Wed
P & F Meeting - 6:30pm
First Communion Retreat
PUPIL FREE DAY - Staff Retreat
First Communion Sacramental Mass 9am
SAPSASA Netball Training - 4pm
YCS -3:15pm
SAPSASA Yr 5/6 Rugby Tag Carnival @ JCS
SAPSASA State Cross Country
Sacred Heart of Jesus Mass 9:30am - Led by YR 2/3
Assembly 2:40pm - Yr 5/6
PUBLIC HOLIDAY- King's Birthday
SAPSASA Soccer Trials @ JCS 4pm
SAPSASA Hockey Trials @ Crystal Brook 4pm
Year 5/6 Volleyball Day @ JCS
Assembly 2:40pm - Yr R/1
Casual Clothes Day - Gold Coin Donation
Confirmation Rite of Commitment Mass - 9am
School Board Meeting - 7:30pm
SAPSASA Soccer trials - 4pm
SAPSASA Netball training - 4pm
Mary MacKillop Play - Whole School Excursion to Gladstone
SAPSASA Netball Carnival - Mon-Wed
Assembly 2:40pm - Yr 2/3
SRC - "St James Got Talent"
Confirmation Parent Night - 6pm
SAPSASA Golf Trials - Gladstone
Thanksgiving Mass 9:30am - Led by YR 4
RAA Street Smart Visit
Early finish - 2:15pm
PUPIL FREE DAY - Curriculum Day
First Day of Term 3
We acknowledge the Ngadjuri people, traditional custodians of this land.

Tuck Roster

Convenor: Kerry S
Worker: Lynne W
Cakes: Sara C & Jamie C
Convenor: Kate L
Worker: Suanne R
Cakes: Hayley C & Tash D
Parish Mass
Welcomers: Rick K
Servers: Fletcher W, Hugh S, Gus L
Welcomers: Barb F
Servers: Charlotte R, Rosie R, Frankie H