Week 5 Term 3, 2024
Prayer and Reflection – Assumption of Mary
Last Thursday 15th August we celebrated the Assumption of Mary. As the mother of Jesus, she modelled a mother’s special love for him and took care of him. She could see that he had special gifts and that he was God’s Son. She was there with him for much of his life, through the good times and the difficult times. So we pray to Mary through the Hail Mary prayer;
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the LORD is with thee,
blessed are you among all women
and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus,
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners now and in the hour of our death.
Welcome to the Week 5 newsletter. The next few weeks will be an exciting and busy time for our school community, as we make the final preparations for our musical production, “The Wizard of Oz.”
Living Learning Leading Surveys - Reminder
As a system, Catholic Education South Australia, has developed a survey for Students, Staff & Parents related to our guiding principles of Living, Learning & Leading in Catholic Education. These surveys are an important opportunity for our school to capture a sense of how we are going and where we need to go next regarding our strategic planning and annual improvement plans. This data collection and use of data for planning, helps us to ensure that we continue to offer a high-quality education for your child. Attached to the newsletter is a letter with information about the survey and how to access the survey. I encourage all families to respond and provide feedback to the school for our future planning. Thanks, in anticipation.
Staffing Update
Today we welcome a new Education Support Officer Ebony Mercer. She will spend most of her time with students in the junior primary classes. I am sure that the school community will make her feel very welcome.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Redden family at the recent passing of Mark. Father and Poppa to James,Suanne, Maggie, Sadie and Harry.
We welcomed Bishop Karol last Friday night as 15 students celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation. Thank you to the families who supported the children and to Georgia Parisotto for her work in preparing the children. Thanks to Zack Taylor for taking photos. If families would like copies of any photo’s please email Annie and she will get copies to you.
We also acknowledge the children in the Year 5/6 Class who supported their friends during this time. Mary MacKillop told us to find happiness in making others happy. Thanks to Alayla, James, Bentley, Hudson, Flynn, and Sophie for being such encouraging friends.

Father’s Day Liturgy
We welcome families to come and celebrate Father’s Day on Friday 30th August. We will begin with a bacon and egg breakfast, followed by a short liturgy in the Learning Centre at 9am. We’d love to see as many Father’s and Father figures there so we can give thanks for the important role they hold in their children’s lives.
Mary MacKillop Day
Thanks to St Joseph’s Gladstone for hosting a wonderful day to Celebrate the Feast Day of St Mary MacKillop. Bowman’s Park was a great place to explore and to connect with friends from other Catholic schools in our area.

Symonds’s Wing Visit
The Year 5/6 Class made another visit to the Symonds wing last week. They worked together with the residents to make some props for the upcoming production. They also sang a few of the production songs to the residents. Thanks to Father Ranjith and Georgia Parisotto for taking the students.
Student Wellbeing
Breakfast Club has been a huge hit with our students. Our older students have demonstrated some amazing leadership skills by stepping up and taking control of the toast production line.
We have had toast and fruit on offer three mornings per week. We thank community members who have donated surplus fruit to the school. We are currently investigating ways to sustain the programme indefinitely. Students have added their voice to the menu options, they would like to have days where they could have healthy cereals, yoghurt, pancakes, toast and fruit.
Whilst we are in the process of securing some form of funding we are asking our amazing community for help. If you happen to have any plastic plates/bowls or cups hiding in the backs of cupboards we would love to put them to use. Also if you have surplus fruit, vegetables, eggs, homemade jam or would like to donate yoghurt, Weet-Bix, bread or anything food related to our breakfast club please drop it into the school.
This week breakfast club will be on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Science Week
All last week Mr Taylor and Miss Parisotto were igniting the minds of the students with lunch time science experiments. Each day a different activity was set for the children to highlight how important science is in our world (and what fun it can be).

SAPSASA Regional Basketball Finals
This Friday 23rd August, most of our Year 5/6 boys and girls will play off at the SAPSASA Regional Basketball Finals in Kadina. I would like to thank the parents who have offered to coach, umpire, score or drive students to this event. All the best to everyone involved.
SAPSASA AFL Girls team
Congratulations to Indy, Pippa and Alayla, who have all been selected to represent St James in the North Eastern SAPSASA AFL Girls Team. They will all take part in the carnival at West Beach Reserve, Adelaide in Term 4, Week 2, Monday 21 to Wednesday 23 October.
SAPSASA Soccer State Carnival
The SAPSASA State Soccer Carnival took place last in Adelaide. Congratulations to Indy, Pippa, Hugh S, Ethan, Bentley, Tom, Sid, Flynn, Eddie who represented our school in the North Eastern Zone SAPSASA Soccer Team. The Girls Team was equal 5th and the Boys Team was equal 6th.
Next week on Wednesday to Friday, the whole school will head down to the Jamestown Memorial Hall (Town Hall) for rehearsals. The rehearsal times at the Town Hall will be
- Wednesday 28th August – 9:10am - 1:00pm
- Thursday 29th August – 9:10am - 1:00pm
- Friday 30th August –11:20am - 2:00pm
- Monday 2nd September – 9:10 – 1:00pm
Students will be asked to wear the Sports Uniforms on the days we visit the Town Hall.
Two shows will be performed by the students. These include;
- Tuesday 3rd September – Matinee Show – 12:30pm – for students from neighbouring schools
- Wednesday 4th September – Evening Finale Show – 7pm
All families recently received an email regarding costume requirements for the production. If any families are having difficulties with any of the costume requirements, please contact the school ASAP, so we can help.
Ticket Sales
Tickets will be available for purchase from this Wednesday 21st August from 8:45am. Tickets are $20 per Adult and $10 per Student. Payments are to be made to the front office, Eftpos is preferrable.
Book Week 2024
Today we had our annual Book Week Parade. There was much excitement around the school this morning. We are always very impressed with the variety and quality of the costumes that the students wear. This year’s Book Week theme is ‘Reading Is Magic’ and it runs for all of this week. Just a reminder that you are most welcome to stop in at the Learning Centre to view the many displays created by the students this week.

Term 3 Assembly Dates
Each class will host an afternoon assembly throughout second half of the year to showcase the learning that has been taking place. All parents and grandparents are most welcome to join us. The assemblies taking place this term include;
- Friday 20th September – Year 5/6 – 2:40pm
Pupil Free Days 2024 - Staff Training Days
The remaining Pupil Free Days this year include;
- Term 4 - Week 1 - Monday 14th October – Curriculum Day
- Term 4 - Week 9 - Friday 13th December – Handover and Curriculum Data Day
School Buses
Bus families - please note that Jamestown Community School will have three Student Free Days coming up. This means there will be no buses running on these days. The dates are as follows;
- Term 3 Week 7 – Friday September 6th
- Term 3 - Week 10 – Monday September 23rd
- Term 4 – Week 4 – Friday November 8th
Mini Vinnies
The Mini Vinnies group met again last week and have begun planning a ‘Sleep Out’. On Saturday, October 19th, the Mini Vinnies will be ‘sleeping rough’ at school to raise awareness about homelessness in Australia. More information will be sent out as the date approaches, but the students are very excited. Please mark your calendars!
Parents and Friends
Our next meeting will be held on Tomorrow night, Tuesday 20th August at 6:30pm. Please feel very welcome to join us as we discuss how, as a parent body, we can best support our school. We look forward to seeing you there.
Open Day – For New and Existing Families – Catholic Schools Open Week
Important Dates
P & F Meeting - 6.30pm
SAPSASA Basketball Carnival Kadina
YCS - 3:15pm
The Wizard of Oz Matinee - 12.30pm
The Wizard of Oz - 7pm
No Buses Running - JCS Student Free Day
No Buses Running - JCS Student Free Day
No Buses Running - JCS Student Free Day
We acknowledge the Ngadjuri people, traditional custodians of this land.

Tuck Roster

Convenor: Jemma T
Worker: Suanne R
Cakes: Emily C & Bel H
Convenor: Jodie T
Worker: Not Required
Cakes: Beck H & Dale L
Parish Mass
Welcomers: Peter O
Servers: Patrick & Tom C, Fletcher Williams
Welcomers: Peter M
Servers: Eddie D, Hamish S, Hazel H
The Southern Cross
