Week 7 Term 3, 2024
Dear God,
Thank you for blessing us with our incredible father’s who show us how to be better people. Bless our father’s as they show their love, care, guidance and good humour to their families. We thank our dad’s for being our mentors, teachers and role models in our lives. We thank our father’s for the joy they bring. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Welcome to the Week 7 newsletter. This week is a really exciting week for St James as we will be hosting our musical production, “The Wizard of Oz.” Students will have one more day of rehearsals today to put the finishing touches, to what will be an excellent performance. The students have worked so hard and should be really pleased with their efforts so far.
Staffing Update
Last week we welcomed a new staff member, Matilda Clark. She has joined our ESO team on a casual basis. She will spend the majority of her time with the Year 2/3 and Year 4 classes. I am sure that the school community will make her feel very welcome.
Mini Vinnies
The Mini Vinnies group is excitedly preparing for a ‘Sleep Out’ event on Saturday, October 19th. They will be ‘sleeping rough’ at school to raise awareness about homelessness in Australia. More details will be provided as the date approaches, so please mark your calendars!
RELat is an assessment tool used in Year 4 to track students' progress in the Religious Education Curriculum. The data from this assessment will help guide whole-school professional development and enhance the teaching of Religious Education. Parents of Year 4 students will receive more information via Operoo. The testing will occur during Week 8.
All students in Year 6 are invited to attend YCS tomorrow, Tuesday 3rd September with Sr Kerry at 3:15pm in the Learning Centre. I am sure she will have more of her great jokes to tell at the end of YCS.
Father’s Day Liturgy
It was wonderful to see so many fathers and grandfathers join us for a morning at school with the children. The Year 5/6 class did an excellent job leading the prayer service and sharing their favourite moments with their dads. A big thank you to Sarah, Will, Tom, Zoe and Pammenter, Tash Downing and Steve, Jemma and Violet Tabone for preparing the delicious breakfast.
Parents and Friends
Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday 29th October at 6:30pm in the Learning Centre.
Hockey SA Clinics
The Hockey Clinics have been re-booked for Wednesday 18th September. The original date had to be rescheduled as the person delivering the lessons was unwell. The Hockey clinics will be taking place on the usual PE Day.
School Board Update
A position has recently become available on the School Board. If any parent is interested in joining the board, please send the principal an expression of interest, and this will be passed onto the School Board Chairperson, Mathew Hale. The role of the school board is to monitor the governance of the school including policies, procedures, finances, legislative requirements, WH&S and maintenance. The School Board also monitors enrolments, academic results and strategic plans.
SRC PJ Day & Movie Day Thursday or Friday
The Student Representative Council have organised a PJ Day combined with a Movie Afternoon this Friday. This will be a fun way to unwind, after a very busy week and a half of production rehearsals and performances.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher Interviews are planned for Week 9 on Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th September. Each family will receive an email via Operoo, with information about how to book interview times. The interviews provide parents with an opportunity to pass on information about their child and for class teachers to discuss how students are performing at school. Term 3 Parent Teacher Interviews are optional for parents. Please make contact with the school, should you have any questions. Parents are welcome to book parent teacher interviews at any time of the year.
Forest Day Excursion with Nature Play SA – Whole School Excursion
Next Tuesday 10th September, all students will head to Bundaleer Forest for a day of outdoor learning activities, which will be led by Nature Play SA. Families will receive an Operoo email notification, which will contain the digital permission form.
Year 4 Appila Springs Environmental Day
The Year 4 Class will attend an environmental day at Appila Springs on Wednesday 11th September. They will learn about land formations, flora and fauna. Families with Year 4 students will receive an Operoo email notification, which will contain the digital permission form.
Premiers Reading Challenge
Not long now until the PRC finishes up for 2024. Our school has a long association with the Challenge and a high participation rate each year. We love to encourage our student’s love of reading in every aspect at St James. The PRC finishes this Friday, 6th September this year. The students are required to finish and record 12 books on their form to receive their participation prize later in the year. Have a chat with your child. Ask how many books they have read? What were they about? Did they have a favourite book or particular genre that they liked? Show your interest and they will gladly show you theirs.
Term 3 Assembly Dates
Each class will host an afternoon assembly throughout second half of the year to showcase the learning that has been taking place. All parents and grandparents are most welcome to join us. The assembly taking place this term include;
- Friday 20th September – Year 5/6 – 2:40pm
Pupil Free Days 2024 - Staff Training Days
The remaining Pupil Free Days this year include;
- Term 4 - Week 1 - Monday 14th October – Curriculum Day
- Term 4 - Week 9 - Friday 13th December – Handover and Curriculum Data Day
School Buses
Bus families - please note that Jamestown Community School have three Student Free Days coming up. This means there will be no buses running on these days. The dates are as follows;
- Term 3 - Week 7 – Friday September 6th
- Term 3 - Week 10 – Monday September 23rd
- Term 4 - Week 4 – Friday November 8th
9th - 11th September - Hockey State Carnival
10th September - Cricket / Tennis Trials in Jamestown 4:00 - 5.30pm
15th October - AFL Girls Training in Crystal Brook 4-5pm
21st - 23rd October - AFL Girls State Carnival

The following dates should be noted;
Monday 2nd September – 9:10 – 1:00pm – Final rehearsals
Tuesday 3rd September – Matinee Show – 12:30pm – for students from neighbouring schools
Wednesday 4th September – Evening Finale Show – 7pm
Ticket Sales
We hope all families have purchased tickets for the show as we have nearly sold out. Tickets are available for purchase at the school office and at the door on the night. Tickets are $20 per adult and $10 per student. Eftpos payments are preferrable.
Uniform during Production Week
Monday 2nd Sept – PE Uniform
Tuesday 3rd Sept – PE Uniform
Wednesday 4th Sept - PE Uniform
Thursday 5th Sept – Traditional Uniform
Friday 6th Sept – PJ Day
Important Dates
The Wizard of Oz Matinee - 12.30pm
The Wizard of Oz - 7pm
No Buses Running - JCS Student Free Day
No Buses Running - JCS Student Free Day
TERM 4 WEEK 1 - Student Free Day
No Buses Running - JCS Student Free Day
We acknowledge the Ngadjuri people, traditional custodians of this land.

Tuck Roster

Convenor: Kerry S
Worker: C Stacey
Cakes: Alice P & Lisa S
Convenor: Suanne R
Worker: Not Required
Cakes: Hayley C & Vanessa D
Parish Mass
Welcomers: Dennis & Mary C
Servers: Will and Tom P, Ethan M
Welcomers: Prudence H
Servers: Fletcher W, Hugh S, Gus L
The Southern Cross
