Week 7, Term 2
Every person who has been born and that will be born is known and loved by God. In a Catholic school community, this means that we respect everybody for who they are and we celebrate everyone’s unique gifts and talents. God knows every part of us, including every strand of hair.
Welcome to the Week 7 newsletter. I hope you all had a great long weekend. Last week, we had the pleasure of watching the Year 5/6 Class lead Assembly. It was wonderful to see them confidently share their learning in all areas. I especially enjoyed how they presented their writing bump it up wall with an Information Report. They had labelled the essential elements, as well as the features that could be added that enhances the quality of the text. They also shared their knowledge about Mary, the Mother of Jesus, some thoughtful prayers and led us in praying the Hail Mary.
Musical Production “The Wizard of Oz” – Change of Date
Planning for the whole school Musical Production has begun. The script has been finalised and the Year 4/5/6 students received a copy today. Casting of the main characters, (Year 4-6 students) will take place towards the end of Term 2. Year 4 students will get the chance to have some minor parts too. Rehearsals will begin during the last two weeks this term on Thursdays. Mrs Judy Lewis will be our Choreographer and Director and Mrs Shona Simpson will be the supporting teacher. The Production will be held at the Jamestown Memorial Halll. The new dates for the Production Performances are;
- Matinee – Thursday 5th September (for students from neighbouring schools)
- Finale – Friday evening – 6th September
The success of our musical production relies on parent support. Thank you to the costume committee who have been through our extensive collection. Fortunately, we have everything we need, which is fantastic. A letter will be sent to parents closer to the performance outlining costume requirements from home eg. shoes, pants and/or shirts. Thank you to Costume Committee, Shona S, Kerry S, Louise S & Peta C for their work so far.
Backdrop and Props Volunteers Needed
We encourage all families to consider how they can assist with props and set design. If you are interested, please contact the office staff. The school has a large collection of backdrops and props, which can be used and adapted as required. We will require at least 3 helpers.
Staffing Update
Peta Caulfield will finish her position as Admin Officer on Tuesday 25th June after 4.5 years of service to St James. Mrs Caulfield has been a welcoming person in the office and has always been very efficient in the roles she has undertaken. We thank her for her dedication and wish her well for the future.
Position Vacant: Admin Officer
St James School is seeking an Administration Officer, two days per week. The position is for 14 hours per week. We are seeking a person who is highly relational, creative with technology, organised and who can undertake a variety of tasks. Refer to this link for further details.
New Maths Equipment – Thank you Parents and Friends
The school recently purchased a large Maths Resources Kit for each class, which contains just about everything a class would need on a day to day basis. These kits include counters, dominoes, playing cards, plastic coins, number charts, 6 sided dice, 10 sided dice, unifix blocks, number lines, ones, tens, hundreds and thousands MAB blocks, scales and much more. Having these maths resources in each class allows students to work out Maths problems with materials, which helps them internalise the Maths and assist them to work towards solving algorithms. Having these resources in each classroom means that students and teachers do not have to borrow from other classrooms each Maths lesson. The teachers and students can access these maths materials at any time. We are very grateful to the Parents and Friends who have agreed to fund half of the cost of these materials, which will go a long way towards improving Maths learning outcomes for our students.

Catholic students in Year 5 and 6 should have received a letter from Fr Harold outlining the process of preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation. The following dates were given in the letter.
Rite of Commitment (*This Sunday 16th June 9am*) - During this liturgy, children and their parents will make a commitment to their preparation program and ask for blessings and prayers of the parish community.
Parent and candidate workshop (Tuesday 2nd July 6pm) - A short workshop for parents and children to help you with your preparation. Practical points before Sacramental celebrations.
Celebration of the Sacrament (Friday 9th August 6pm) - Celebration of your child's Confirmation.
Commissioning of Children (Friday 16th August 9:30am or Sunday 18th August 9am) - Blessing and commissioning of children to go out and live their life with Christ.
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Thanks to the Year 2/3 Class for leading us in this joyful celebration last Friday. It was a great reminder of the unconditional love of God in our lives and in each other.
Young Mary Excursion
Next Wednesday 19th June, the whole school will travel to Gladstone to view a performance on the life of a young Mary Mackillop. After the performance we will spend recess at Trasylva park. A permission note will be sent via Operoo this week.
Staff Retreat
During the last pupil free day, our staff and staff from St Joseph’s School Gladstone and St Joseph’s School Peterborough gathered to undertake learning on the Gospel of Mark. Fr Michael Trainor, who has a Master of Education, and a Doctorate in Theology presented just how relevant the Gospel is to our lives today. He highlighted current issues of loneliness, being overwhelmed, anxiety and disconnection. He also stressed the importance of reading and teaching the Gospels with a lens of Mark's writing for an audience in a Greco-Roman world, living in an urban context, 70 years after the birth of Jesus.
First Communion
We congratulate the children who received their First Holy Communion last week. It was a wonderful celebration with their families. Thank you to Kelly Kelly for organising a lovely cake for the students and to the parents for supplying morning tea.
The Year 4 class also travelled to Bundaleer Forest the week before the retreat. They had a lovely day at the Conservator’s Hut taking time to think about what they need to be healthy in body, mind, and spirit.
Thank you also to the non-Catholic students who showed such love, support, and happiness for their peers on retreat and when celebrating the sacrament. The Holy Spirit is truly working in all of us here at St James.

Casual Day
The Student Representative Council have organised a Casual Day for this Friday 14th June. Cost = gold coin donation. Funds raised will go towards the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal.
Pupil Free Days 2024 - Staff Training Days
The remaining Pupil Free Days this year include;
Term 3 - Week 1 - Monday 22nd July – Curriculum Day
Term 4 - Week 1 - Monday 14th October – Curriculum Day
Term 4 - Week 9 - Friday 13th December – Handover and Curriculum Data Day
Term 2 Assembly Dates
Each class will host an afternoon assembly throughout the term to showcase the learning that has been taking place. All parents and grandparents are most welcome to join us. The next Assembly is on;
Friday 14th June – 2:40pm in the Learning Centre – led by the Reception / Year 1 Class
The last assembly for this term is;
Friday 28th June – Year 2/3 – 2:40pm
Second Hand Uniforms Available
St James has a great range of 2nd Hand Uniform items available for families to purchase at significantly reduced prices. Please see staff at the front office for assistance with this.
School Sports Vouchers
All South Australian families are eligible for a voucher for children to contribute towards sports club fees. Contact your local club for further details.
2025 Enrolments
Enrolments are open for the beginning of 2025. Please contact the school and register your interest and book a discovery school tour. Children who turn 5 on or before 30th April can begin school in Term 1 of 2025.
Thank you to all of the parents who supplied food for the funeral of Mr. Damian Noonan on Wednesday 29th May 2024. Your generosity was amazing and a reflection of how we help our community during a time of grief and sadness. The catering for this funeral was a collaboration with the Parish. Members of the St James Parish provided food as well as a majority of the workers. Thank you to Liz Kelly for being the Convener and for working in conjunction with the families of our students.
At our last meeting, the parents and friends committee were pleased to help the school purchase some mathematics equipment. Each class now has a comprehensive set of mathematics aids to help in building concrete understanding of many different mathematical concepts.
Hugh S, Ethan M and Hamish S represented St James in the NE Zone District SAPSASA AFL Team at the State AFL Carnival from the 27th to the 29th of May. The boys had a successful carnival, finishing 3rd in their division, winning 6 out of 9 of their games. Well done boys!!
SAPSASA Rugby Tag Carnival
On Wednesday 5th June, all Year 5/6 students took part in the North East Zone SAPSASA Rugby Tag Carnival at the Jamestown Community School Oval. The students represented our school proudly and the way the conducted themselves was exemplary. The Girls Team was awarded with an Inclusive Team Spirit Award – Well done!!!
SAPSASA State Cross Country Championships
Congratulations to Ethan M, Hugh S, Eddie D, Bentley C and Flynn T who represented our school at the Cross-Country Schools State Championships at Oakbank last Thursday, the 6th of June. Each of them improved their performance and finished the gruelling track with grit and determination. A special mention goes to Ethan M who finished in 18th place and was selected to trial for the state team.
On Wednesday last week, the Year 5/6 class had an amazing time participating in the NRL Rugby Carnival at JCS. Both the girl and boy teams blew us away with the inclusivity, teamwork and respect they demonstrated on the day. The girls team walked away with an inclusivity trophy for their efforts.
A note from the students:
We had a great time at the rugby carnival. Our favourite part was that everyone got to have a go and that we got to see our friends from other schools.

Important Dates
SAPSASA Soccer Trials @ JCS 4pm
Year 5/6 Volleyball Day @ JCS
Assembly 2:40pm - Yr R/1
Casual Clothes Day - Gold Coin Donation
Confirmation Rite of Commitment Mass - 9am
School Board Meeting - 7:30pm
SAPSASA Soccer trials - 4pm
SAPSASA Netball training - 4pm
Mary MacKillop Play - Whole School Excursion to Gladstone
SAPSASA Netball Carnival - Mon-Wed
Assembly 2:40pm - Yr 2/3
SRC - "St James Got Talent"
Confirmation Parent Night - 6pm
SAPSASA Golf Trials - Gladstone
Thanksgiving Mass 9:30am - Led by YR 4
RAA Street Smart Visit
Early finish - 2:15pm
PUPIL FREE DAY - Curriculum Day
First Day of Term 3
We acknowledge the Ngadjuri people, traditional custodians of this land.

Tuck Roster

Convenor: Colleen B
Worker: Sarah P
Cakes: Vanessa D & Rebecca D
Convenor: Jodie T
Worker: Tamara W
Cakes: Mel H & Helen L
Parish Mass
Welcomers: Bec S & Evan W
Servers: Indy F, Alexis F, Grace S
Welcomers: Jamie & Scott C & Family
Servers: Lucy L, Sadie R, Colbie C

The Southern Cross
