Week 9 Term 2
Dear God,
We pray for all displaced persons in our world. Protect them from fear and harm. Open our hearts, homes and minds to all refugees, so they can find protection and safe places to live. We pray for peace in places where war and political unrest causes displacement of people. We pray for refugees to find safe and welcoming places to live with their families. Amen
Welcome to the Week 9 newsletter. Teachers are currently busy finalising student reports. We use a range of assessments from the planned learning experiences taught throughout the first half of the year to provide a summary achievement report for parents/caregivers. You will receive your child’s report on Friday of Week 10. Remember that you can see your child’s teacher anytime to discuss learning progress or any other matters, and you are encouraged to do so.
Last Wednesday, all students joined with the local Catholic schools at Gladstone to watch the performance called, “Young Mary.” This play was about the life of Mary MacKillop, Australia’s first and only saint. The acting crew incorporated many parts of her life, the good and bad times including her childhood, meeting Fr Tension Woods, the co-founder of the Sisters of St Joseph, enrolling disadvantaged children into her schools and her caring and charitable nature. A lot of humour was included in the play, to keep the students entertained and the costumes were fantastic, especially Mary MacKillop’s brown habit (religious dress).
Uniform Review
Every five years, the school conducts a review of the uniforms and the uniform policy. We seek parent, student and staff input about uniforms. Last week a hard copy survey was sent home to all families regarding the uniform review. Please take the time to complete the short survey and return it to the school before the end of the term. Even if you are happy with the current uniform, please make a comment or tick, so we can gauge overall satisfaction and thoughts. If you would like to see changes, this is your opportunity to make comments. Once all feedback is received, this information will be collated and shared with the school community.
Musical Production “The Wizard of Oz” – Change of Date
Preparations for the Whole School Musical Production has begun. Auditions have been completed and all casting has been finalised. Rehearsals will begin during the last two weeks of this term on Thursday's. Mrs Judy Lewis will be our Choreographer and Director and Mrs Shona Simpson will be the supporting teacher. The Production will be held at the Jamestown Memorial Halll. There has been a slight change to the Production dates and they are as follows;
Matinee – Tuesday 3rd September (for students from neighbouring schools)
Finale – Wednesday evening - 4th September
Student Teacher in R/1 Class
This Thursday and Friday, we will welcome Student Teacher, Alice Harding, into the Reception / Year 1 Class. Miss Harding is in her final year of studies. She will have 5 lead in days with the class before her 7 week placement, which commences in Term 3, Week 3, Monday 5th August and finishes at the end of Week 9, Friday 20 September. We look forward to welcoming and working with Miss Harding.
It was wonderful to have the confirmation candidates and their parents at Mass on Sunday 16th June to say a prayer of commitment. May this time of preparation be a special time in their faith life.
Parent and candidate workshop (Tuesday 2nd July 6pm) - A short workshop for parents and children to help you with your preparation. Practical points before Sacramental celebrations.
Retreat (Friday 26th July) All day retreat - Location to be confirmed.
Celebration of the Sacrament (Friday 9th August 6pm) - Celebration of your child's Confirmation.
Commissioning of Children (Friday 16th August 9:30am or Sunday 18th August 9am) - Blessing and commissioning of children to go out and live their life with Christ.
Young Mary Excursion
Last week the whole school travelled to Gladstone to view a performance of ‘Young Mary’. The following are some quotes from the children about the play.
“Mary said ‘Never see a need without doing something about it’ - so if someone was hurt don’t just walk off, go and see if they are OK”. - Hugh Thompson
“It was very funny, and I learnt some new things about Mary MacKillop”. - Fletcher Williams
“I learnt we all have the ability to overcome obstacles.” – Colbie Clark
“It was funny when he talked about the cow” – Wilbur Amey
“She made a billycart for her brothers.”- Ava Kitschke
Next term we will return to Gladstone to celebrate her feast day with St Joseph’s Peterborough and St Jospeh’s Gladstone on Thursday 8th August.
Thanksgiving Mass
On the last day of term, the Year 4 class will lead us in a Mass of Thanksgiving for all that has happened in the first half of the year. At this conclusion of this Mass, we will also thank the Semester 1 SRC and induct our Semester 2 SRC. Please feel very welcome to join us the church at 9:30am.
All Year 6 students are invited to an afternoon full of fun activities with Sister Kerry. This takes place tomorrow, 25th June at 3:15pm in the Learning Centre.
Pupil Free Days 2024 - Staff Training Days
The remaining Pupil Free Days this year include;
Term 3 - Week 1 - Monday 22nd July – Curriculum Day
Term 4 - Week 1 - Monday 14th October – Curriculum Day
Term 4 - Week 9 - Friday 13th December – Handover and Curriculum Data Day
SRC News – St James’ Got Talent
The Student Representative Council has met fortnightly this term and have planned many activities for the year. They will be hosting a student talent show named, “St James’ Got Talent” this Friday 28th June at recess and lunch in the Church Hall. All students are invited to take part or to come along and watch. Acts in previous years have included dance routines, magic shows, stand up comedy and playing musical instruments.
Term 2 Assembly Dates
Each class will host an afternoon assembly throughout the term to showcase the learning that has been taking place. All parents and grandparents are most welcome to join us. The next Assembly is on;
Friday 28th June – Year 2/3 – 2:40pm
Last Day of Term 2 – Early Dismissal - Casual Day
The last day of Term 2 is Friday 5th July. Students will be dismissed at 2:15pm. Students are invited to wear casual clothes on this day. There will be no cost for wearing casual clothes.
Second Hand Uniforms Available
St James has a great range of 2nd Hand Uniform items available for families to purchase at significantly reduced prices. Please see staff at the front office for assistance with this.
School Sports Vouchers
All South Australian families are eligible for a voucher for children to contribute towards sports club fees. Contact your local club for further details.
2025 Enrolments
Enrolments are open for the beginning of 2025. Please contact the school and register your interest and book a discovery school tour. Children who turn 5 on or before 30th April can begin school in Term 1 of 2025.
SAPSASA Soccer Trials
The North Eastern Region Soccer SAPSASA trails take place this week on Wednesday 26th June at the community school oval from 4-5pm. Good luck to the students who are participating in the trials.
SAPSASA Netball State Carnival
Harriet S, Indy F & Alayla K will represent our school in the North East Zone SAPSASA Netball Team and the Schools State Netball Carnival from Monday 24th to 26th June. Well done to these girls for being selected. We wish them all the best at this week’s carnival.

Unlocking a Bright Future: The Power of the First 1000 Days
The Australian Primary Principal’s Association (APPA) is committed to supporting families in ensuring every child has the best start in life. They have partnered with leading paediatrician Prof Frank Oberklaid of The Murdoch Children’s Research Institute to produce the Thrive with Five paper.
In the first 1000 days of a child's life, their brain grows really fast. Every time they see, hear, or touch something, it helps their brain make new connections. Eating healthy food and getting good sleep are very important because they help the child grow strong. When parents show love and care, it helps the child feel safe and learn to trust others. Playing and exploring help children learn to talk and become curious, which makes learning easier as they get older.
Families benefit from a supportive community, ensuring both they and the child thrive. Our school is part of a supportive community, and we want to partner with families to shape a lifetime of benefits for every child.
Our school newsletter will share information about the important five: play, talk, read, eat well and sleep. Share these ideas with friends and family. Be a ripple for a bright future!
Play is good for babies and adults!
Play can happen anywhere and can be fun for baby and carers. A good, shared laugh is a mood booster!
Play Peekaboo: While sitting with baby, hide your face behind your hands or a blanket and then reveal it saying ‘Peekaboo’. This helps baby understand that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be seen, heard, or touched.
Dance: Hold a dance party to a favourite song and dance with your little one. It improves motor skills and is a good way to be active together.
Play Hide and Seek with Toys: Hide a toy under a blanket and encourage your baby to find it. This teaches problem-solving skills.
Stacking blocks: Simple stacking toys or blocks, help develop motor skills and hand-eye coordination.
Bubble Chase: Blow bubbles and let your baby try to catch or pop them. The movement and colours will captivate them.
Outdoor Exploring: Let your baby feel the grass, leaves, and flowers. You can also collect safe items like smooth stones or pinecones for them to explore.
Tummy Time on a Blanket: Lay a blanket on the grass and let your baby enjoy tummy time while looking at the sky, leaves, or toys. Talk out loud about what you see and hear.
Important Dates
SAPSASA Netball Carnival - Mon-Wed
YCS - 3:15
Assembly 2:40pm - Yr 2/3
SRC - "St James Got Talent"
RAA Crossing Opening - 10:30am
Confirmation Parent Night - 6pm
SAPSASA Golf Trials - Gladstone
Thanksgiving Mass 9:30am - Led by YR 4
RAA Street Smart Visit
Early finish - 2:15pm
PUPIL FREE DAY - Curriculum Day
First Day of Term 3
Feast of St James Mass - 9:30am
Tree Planting - Year 4's
SAPSASA AFL Girls Training @ Jamestown
We acknowledge the Ngadjuri people, traditional custodians of this land.

Tuck Roster

Convenor: Colleen B
Worker: Sarah P
Cakes: Vanessa D & Rebecca D
Convenor: Jodie T
Worker: Tamara W
Cakes: Mel H & Helen L
Parish Mass
Welcomers: Denis & Mary C
Servers: Will P, Tom P & Ethan M
Welcomers: Kerry & Jed S
Servers: Fletcher W, Hugh S & Gus L
The Southern Cross

The speaker is from Cystic Fibrosis
